Sunday, December 28, 2008


B-membrane Laptop/Desktop

I wish you all a very 'happy new year 2009'.
As usual ,any technology in the begining used create or make/start with a very big impact.By and by the impact or the passion will slow down gradually.Here the time for the innovators to crush their brain to do something to inspire / retain the of the means to attract is to add additional features/quality of the product in less/same price. The other main means are the "product size factor".
As, we all have / would have experienced this in our life,for example- ' the tape recorder,pager,mobile phones,t.v,computer etc' - all these items/products/gadgets were big in size when it is introduced/launched . By and by as time progress, the manfacturer start reducing the product size 'from big to small/miniature size'. This is how the room size p.c become a desk top and than lap it is called 'lip-top' and in the near future it is going to be the membrane technology.. it is going to give you a all new perspectives in all its size,utality and so on.

Concept computer designed by Korean designer Won-Seok Lee.
No bulky monitors, just a UFO shape system that displays screen like a projector.He has taken the need for a bulky monitors right out of the equation and opted for beaming your YouTubing onto any surface you can point the omni-directional projector at.
Some highlights of this Kubrick inspired mother ship computer include a membrane keyboard that appears when needed, integrated optical drive and when not used as a computer, the projector can beam ambient light effects on any surface you desire.

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