Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Something incredible is coming!

I just became a shareholder in me2everyone and I never had to pay a single penny for the shares! Pre-launched in January 2009, more than 30,000 new members are discovering me2everyone every week: and when the full site launches we are expecting a huge surge in new memberships. You can register for free and it never has to cost you a single penny!
me2everyone is going to be a cool new virtual world where you can meet friends, chat, shop, play, watch videos, create an art gallery, open a virtual newspaper, play the free inworld lottery and make money from your own online store! You and everyone you know make the decisions, shape the world, create real incomes and share in the profits. It’s a new place where you meet new people or invite your friends. Learn new skills or expand your business. Find the love of your life or help the planet.
It will eventually become a hybrid between a 2D social network and a 3D world. There will be scope for business and there are plans to put 72,000 people into work over the next 3 years. This is something that you simply have to consider registering for. You details are 100% safe and the Company is run by professional directors. This is an excellent chance for all of us to make some real progress in 2009 and beyond! Please do not miss it.

If you are looking for something really good in 2009: something that changes your view on the world, then you really have to spend just one minute and look at this website.

Kind Regards…



  • PS: The team are getting ready to launch version 1.5 of the website - but there’s still a chance to get involved and benefit from the pre-launch offers.
  • With zero cost to join, a committment to translate the website into 38 languages, from a debt-free company this is something that you really have to take a serious look at


Anonymous said...

It’s amazing how many people are starting to believe in the project! In late January, I dropped by the me2everyone site and joined Then I noticed that there were at that time about 57,600 members that had already joined. I became member 57603. I went back there a few days later and that number had ballooned to almost 95,000, AND TODAY THE MEMBERSHIP IS 435,000+ AND GOWING !

Recently I have posted and blogged on topics that are about how to make money online with blogs, websites and things related to blogging and internet marketing. [me2everyone will be part of my plans when launched]
I wrote a me2everyone review a few weeks ago and since then the review has picked up quite a following.
There are a few areas that I want to discuss regarding the program that I didn’t really touch on in my last review…
Is Me2Everyone a Scam?
To the best of my knowledge, I am guaranteeing Me2Everyone is not a scam… I have done research and I have found that the company is backed by some serious investors in Britain, America and now through out the rest of the world.. Our me2everyone could very well take off just like Second Life, World of Warcraft, Everquest and other Multiplayer networking environments.
I can remember when Google, Microsoft, Ebay or Yahoo were just infants in startup mode… I had the opportunity to get in at the ground floor for just a few bucks and said to myself and friends… “That company is going to flop… There is no way they will make it…”
Well here is another one of those opportunities except this time they will give you FREE shares just to register with the program! Beyond that, Me2Everyone has something called the Ripple Effect and if you refer your friends to the program they will instantly become shareholders. I WON'T MISS THIS ONE!!

Me2Everyone will be owned primarily by the people, it is a digital village that will eventually grow into a city and beyond that it will expand into a world.

I honestly believe that if we all get in on this opportunity, we as a people can turn this into the biggest money making venture of our lives, and by being a trend setter the potential is limitless, this little social networking environment could become bigger than Myspace and Facebook combined… Besides, what do you have to lose…
Click on the link to sign up and receive 100 FREE shares just for joining:
I know this sounds like a sales pitch and to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t be writing about this if I didn’t see the potential… Throughout history the first-movers and trendsetters have become increasingly wealthy by getting in before the masses… The leaders of our world generally make a lot more money than the followers.. We will give this subject a break and get back on tips to help you successfully market your business in future articles… The bottom line is that we all want to learn how to make money online and there are a million ways to do it!
I didn’t want to leave my subscribers hanging on this one so if you’ve made it this far, I want to go ahead and provide a few marketing tips that will help you increase the traffic of your blog or website…
What are the two most important factors in regard to gaining natural search engine traffic?
Well IMO the two most important factors are:
1.) Keyword Optimized Content
2.) Keyword Optimized Backlinks
Where can you find high quality one-way anchor text backlinks?
1.) Forums –,, etc…
2..) Blogs – Look for CommentLuv and KeywordLuv blogs
3.) Directories – There are a million of them out there and many of them are free…
4.) Social Bookmarking websites – Here is a great tip, go to and bookmark your articles at the “Do-Follow” social bookmarking websites. I have seen massive improvements in my SERP’s since I started using this strategy…
I want to let all of my readers know that I am committed to helping them make money online, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please note that I will make the time and try to assist you in your efforts. So how can I not recommend to you that you watch this 45 second video!

reflections unlimited said...

I`ve done my research and am satisfied with what i`ve seen.I am waiting for my global exec application to be accepted.

one can also hope to be a customer care manager .i sense a rewarding online career here